Dear Brethren,
Greetings to all.
Many things are going on since I last wrote you. I always intend to write at the end of the month or the first days of the month but many things as usual have overtaken me.
One of those that kept us busy was our graduation on the 5th of April. Finally, after four (4) years of operation as a training school, we graduated four. We started with four students. But these four are not the same with the four who first enrolled. In fact only one of that batch made it. As if only one student for every batch made it to the graduation. I suspect that I was too strict to our students that a little problem dis-qualified them in the program. But I can’t be blamed (?), it is hard enough to raise fund for their scholarship and so when they misbehaved I tend to just send them home and no longer waste the Lord’s money for their training. On the other hand, maybe it was the right thing to happen, as of now, two of our four graduates are still waiting for an opportunity when and where to plant a church. It’s not because they are not ready but because they don’t have the fund yet. (You see, we had advertised that we will help our graduates plant churches where there are none. And that we had started livelihood program four years ago (like piggery and goat raising) that was intended to help support our graduates, but we are not that successful yet in those endeavors, maybe in the future). Our OPTION NOW IS TO FIND BRETHREN WHO MAY WANT TO HELP SUPPORT OUR GRADUATES PLANT CHURCHES. IF YOU OR ANYONE YOU KNOW IS LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO SUPPORT TO DO THE LORD’S WORK, PLEASE GET IN TOUCH WITH US. Our four year operation was really a learning experience for us in the teaching and administration staff.
For other news, let me share with you the following: Just recently , April 3, a husband and wife in their later years were baptized. I had a Bible study with them years back but they didn’t see any need for them to become just Christians. I am glad they see the need this time. (Pls. see picture).
Another new congregation was started in Sto.Tomas, Batangas (about 2 hour drive from my place). They have been worshiping for three consecutive Sundays now. A “born-again” family became discontented of their group and since the husband and wife were students of WBS in the past, they decided to look for us. Bro.Moises Gonzales, CPI teacher and member of our preaching team was contacted and made the arrangement for us to meet them. We hold Bible study in their house every Thursday night.
We just ended classes at CPI (I used to teach every Tuesday). I continue to do our prison ministry in the Maximum compound and Medium compound of the Bureau of Corrections every Wednesday. We also have ended classes at PIBI-Batangas but we still go there every Thursday for evangelism purposes. On Fridays, I do whatever is to be done, sometimes we do “special” door knockings. On Saturdays, I attend meetings and fellowship with preachers in Metro Manila area. And we also have our own meetings with preachers in the Cavite area. I was sent to the province early part of March to do Leadership seminar, Goat rising seminar and Vermi Culture seminar.
As for the churches we are assisting, I have these to report: METRO SOUTH cong.(we are members of this cong.) , just had a medical mission in our meeting place. Children were checked and given medicines. We also hope we can have prospects as a result. SALAWAG CONG.(We worshipped with them every other Sunday).We are trying to recover from a problematic situation. They lost their preacher and I am assisting them now until they find another. We’ll have a VBS there this Wednesday up to Saturday. CALAMBA, PARIAN CONGREGATION is in a better situation. It was planted more than a year ago and served by our CPI student (now a graduate), who received a “Church Planter” award. They continue to grow. PIELA cong. is served by one of our CPI students who received a leadership award in our closing exercises. They continue to increase in number. A “cooperative” or peoples’ organization was formed there first. We are now trying to register it with the government. General Trias cong. Continue to strive. Two of our CPI first year students lead the work there. Very limited opportunity. Very poor condition. The same situation is the BAUAN CHURCH OF CHRIST.PIBI students go there on Sunday afternoon to assist in their worship services. CALAUAN Church of Christ is also striving. It is a 3 hour drive from my place. She is served by one of our graduates who received the “Personal Evangelism” award. THESE DAYS, I HAVE PURPOSELY LIMITED MY PARTICIPATION WITH THESE CHURCHES BECAUSE I DON’T HAVE THE AMOUNT FOR GAS.I wish I can visit them more often.
OUR CPI students and graduates will be in “field work” this summer. This means they will be involved in the work with local churches. Those who are already serving congregations will continue doing the same and do more. We will be doing some door knocking and VBS as many as funds will allow us.
These are all for now. Please pray with us for the Lord’s work here.
In His service,