Brothers and Sisters, 
Greeting. We like to introduce to you the
preacher’s training school in Dasmarinas,
Cavite. (an hour drive from Manila.).It’s
Asian Institute of Church Planting (AICP).
In 2007,some preachers started the Asian Institute of
Church, Planting (AICP),in Dasmarinas, Ca
The same group of preachers also started a branch in
Rosario, Batangas in the same year .

For a semester the school in Batangas operated
as an extension of AICP.Later, it was agreed
that it will be absorbed by PIBI under the
directorship of bro. Charles Smith,who also
directs and supports three more of the same
school in other parts of the country.
This is now the second year of operation of
the school in Dasmarinas. There are six (6)
full-time students and two (2) part-time
students.We have seven teachers,mostly
are volunteers.
The school has needs, like students allowances
some teachers’ salary and traveling allowances,
office needs,etc.This is the reason why we appeal
to the brotherhood to please assist us in this
very noble endeavor. We need to produce preachers
who will do church plantering in the near future.
We need to train would-be-preachers or else
preachers will be in the list of"endangered species"
later.(Or is it already?).
We appeal to our brothers and sisters to please
help us in this mission.We need partners in order
to complete the training of the students who have
dedicated their lives to the ministry.
For your help, you may send it to DASMARINAS
my account with WELLS FARGO BANK or my sponsor's
church's account number in the U.S..
Please email this writer,(
to ask for bank account numbers if you wish to help.
In His service, 


Asian Institute of Church Planting "Field Training"

Beginning August,2008, our students will have their "Field Training" in different congregations on Fridays up to Sundays. This means, our students will report to designated congregations where they will partner with preachers and leaders. They will be involved in evangelism, visitations, youth activities,and participate in Sunday services.

This program is beneficial to the students for the experience they will have in the field. Also this will be beneficial to the local congregation who will have them for they will have a help in the local work.

Interested congregations who need a "field worker" on week ends may contact Bonifacio C. Patricio Jr.