The first days of May were busy days for me. May 1, was the Church outing for Metro South Church of Christ. May 2-3, was the First Family Camp of the Batangas churches. (I was one of the speakers. It ended with ten (10) baptisms.) And May 4, was Sunday, and my father’s birthday.(father and mother are with us vacationing. Father is suffering from asthma).
My major activities for the month of April are the following:
1. I was the officer of the day for the two-day gathering of Philippine Bible College alumni on April 4-5.
2.I was re-elected to the Board of Trustees. I first thought of quitting but I just can’t turn my back from serving
3.Attended the Philippine Bible College graduation on April 5. Four (4) of our students from Makati and Cavite graduated the Assosiate in Theology degree. My son, Shervin, did not complete the units to graduate. He enrolled outside the Bible College for a semester and thus missed some subjects for that semester.
4.Got involved in Church building improvements in Las Pinas, Salawag, Pasig and in Piela..(Please see attached pictures or see them in our BLOGSPOT).
5.We had door knocking campaign in Las Pinas on April 22, where 62 people were enrolled to the WBS and 11 Home Bible studies were set up.
6.Accompanied three (3) Korean brothers for a week.
7.Had special meeting with Metro Manila leaders about our locally supported radio program that will resume soon.
8.On the process of assisting the land transfer of a land bought by brethren( a pice will be given for school use) and also we are preparing for the school building construction.
9.Together with our fieldwork supervisor I help oversee the fieldwork of our students at Asian Institute of Church Planting and Church Growth (AICPCG) and at Phil. Int’l. Bible Institute- Batangas. (PIBI-B) (.Report of fieldworkers is attached or is in our BLOGSPOT).
Also met with Cavite preachers and talked about common works. We’re preparing for National Youth Camp that we will host in 2010.
10. I also assist the young people of Metro Manila in their Sports Fest for four Fridays.